September 19, 2011

just came to say Goodbye Love, goodbye.

they say that the hardest part of being in Love is saying goodbye, and i guess that's right, but i'd rather do what Dr. Seuss has thought me; Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. last Friday marked an end of an era when the best band in the history of music, did their very last show ever (tho you should never say never) in Stockholm, Sweden. that band is The Ark, and i've probably mentioned them a few times here, how they changed my life when i was fourteen, and how they continue to do that probably for the rest of my life. so me and my very best friends (who i've met because of the band!) took a boat from Helsinki to Stockholm on a stormy wednesday night and spent two nights in the city laughing and crying and having the time of our lives. i concentrated more on the laughing and crying than picture taking but here's some bits and pieces from the trip.


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