October 31, 2012

i wait for you to reappear.

The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney ★★★★
Alex is a Junior in Themis Academy, a quiet, competetive boarding school in which teachers trust their students never to do wrong. And when they do, they turn a blind eye, because a Themis student never does wrong. Only Themis is not a magical world where nothing bad ever happens, just like in the outside world, immoral things happen and crimes are commited. That's why Themis Academy has The Mockingbirds, a justice system founded by the students, and executed by the students. When Alex is date raped by an other student, The Mockingbirds are who se turns to, and they help her to take a stand and fight for what's right, fight for herself.

The author of The Mockingbirds, Daisy Whitney was dated raped on her freshman year in Brown University, so she clearly knows what she's writing about. The Mockingbirds is a moving story of a girl trying to find her voice after it's been taken from her. At first the book moved quite slowly and i didn't feel cpativated by it, but as the story progressed i found my self more and more hooked. What i find really refreshing, is how Alex isn't made into a typical victim, even tho she is at loss with herself and how to cope, she begins to rebuild herself and her life. And that is something Daisy Whitney has been able to write very beautifully. It's not a story about revenge, it's a story that shows the true meaning of taking control and seeking justice.

“I don't need to be any place else, because the music takes me to the only place I want to be right now. To the place where I am and have always been wholly me, the only church I've ever belonged to, the only place I've ever prayed.” 


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