October 25, 2013

this life is sweeter than fiction. (i made a book blog!)

i decided to start a book blog! it's actually something i've been thinking about for a long time, but wasn't sure how to do it, or if i would do it. this blog, Sometimes my life is like Bob Dylan's 115th Dream has been around almost four years. there's never really been a concept or a clear vision for what this blog should be or what it is. it's just my personal space on the internet, where i do what ever i feel like and when ever i feel like. i know that's not the most successful model for blogging, but that's how i like to do things.

so, i'm not sure why i feel like i want to do a separate book blog. maybe because with that, it's actually easy to keep some kind of structure. maybe because it's easier to reach more people with a blog that's not all over the place. or cause it also inspires me to read more and to think about what i read and how i read when i'm also writing and talking about the books i read. and i want a place (besides sites like Goodreads) to talk about the books i've read. so, if you like books and reading and want to know what i read, take a look at my book blog. it's called Good Literature Makes Your Head Throb Heartlike (because David Foster Wallace = ♥).

if any of you know good book blogs or have one, please let me know in the comments!


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